Finnish music has long spoken to me and learning the Finnish language has allowed me to truly understand and live by the meaning conveyed which has helped me achieve my own goals. Through Finnish music, I have learned profound truths about life, perseverance, and resilience. Inspired by songs like "Pohjola" by Olli Halonen and "Älä pelkää elämää" by Haloo Helsinki, I've found guidance and inspiration that resonate with my experiences and goals. These songs not only celebrate the stunning landscapes of the north but also encapsulate the Sisu required to navigate life’s ups and downs. Here, I share 4 powerful lines from my favorite Finnish songs that have become personal mantras for living boldly, perseverance and goal setting.
1. Välil kaadutaan, mut aina noustaan uudestaan - (Pohjola - Olli Halonen)
Sometimes we fall, but we always rise again: Whenever I set a goal, I fully expect challenges. I don't set easy goals; I set goals to give me drive and purpose in life. One thing I have learned is that goal setting is the easy part; goal achieving is the harder part and, more often than not, achieving goals is not a linear path. You will face setbacks and challenges; you will get knocked down. I like how Pohjola recognizes this in both the sense of life and in the literal sense (If you've ever spent a winter in Finland, you have definitely had at least one embarrassing slip and fall, and if you're like me, you get back up as quick as lightning in hopes nobody saw you and really hope nobody dares ask if you are okay).
I also look at this in the sense of life where life will knock you down, you will fall, but a resolve to always rise again will get you very far. My incredible Dad passed away in February 2024, just a week before I returned to Finland. It was naturally a very difficult loss; it was a fall. I'm still grieving, but I got back up, as my Dad would have wanted me to and as he taught me, and I kept going. I rose again and made it to Finland, now becoming a proud resident. The 'sometimes' is only in relation to the fall; we sometimes fall, but the 'always' is in relation to resilience and determination to succeed; we always rise again.
2. Vaikka maailman huipulla tuulee, ei kaduta eikä pelota mikään - (Purjeissa - JVG & Samu Haber)
Even though it's windy at the top of the world, there are no regrets and nothing scares us: For a goal-oriented person like myself, this particular line has always meant a lot to me. I have a habit of setting big goals, working towards them, and achieving them. Achieving a goal is like reaching the top of a mountain, and it is an incredible feeling, but anyone who has achieved a big goal knows it doesn't mean all of a sudden life becomes perfect. One of my big goals growing up was to study meteorology at the University of Oklahoma in the center of Tornado Alley. I achieved this goal and got accepted into the program. Life, of course, isn't always just smooth sailing, and naturally, there was a lot of work, challenge, and difficulty being so far away from home and everyone I loved.
That is why I like the line from "Purjeissa," "Even though it's windy at the top of the world, there are no regrets and nothing scares us." It suggests that even when one reaches the peak of their ambitions, that mountain top or the "top of the world," and the challenges and hardships (symbolized by the stronger wind) might be greater, there should be no regrets about the journey or fear of what lies ahead. To me, this reminds me to have a fearless pursuit of my goals, not to be afraid of what lies ahead and not to regret the path I have chosen regardless of the difficulties encountered. There are difficulties in every path. What matters is embracing challenges and maintaining courage and confidence in the face of this strong wind, in the face of uncertainty or adversity.
3. On pysyttävä edellä, vaikka eteenpäin ei mitään näy - (Liike on Lääke - JVG)
One must stay ahead, even if nothing is seen ahead: Not only is the song title itself, "Liike on lääke" - movement is medicine, inspirational in itself, but this line in particular, "On pysyttävä edellä, vaikka eteenpäin ei mitään näy" - One must stay ahead, even if nothing is seen ahead, holds particular importance for me. In goal-setting and achievement, the phrase "One must stay ahead, even if nothing is seen ahead" highlights the importance of being proactive and committed, even when the path to success isn't clear or becomes blurry for a time. This line suggests that trusting the process and keeping up the momentum are essential, even if you can't see immediate results or know exactly where you're going; you need to keep moving. This mindset has helped me push through uncertainty and difficulty, maintaining focus and effort even when success isn't visible every day, something very useful and practical for when setting and working towards long-term goals that won't happen overnight.
4. Älä pelkää elämää - (Älä pelkää elämää - Haloo Helsinki)
Do not fear life: The main line and album title from Haloo Helsinki, "Älä pelkää elämää" or "Do not fear life," resonates deeply with me when talking about life goals and the journey life takes us on. It’s a reminder to me to embrace life’s uncertainties with courage instead of fear. This idea aligns well with the opening line of a song that says "Kun maailma muuttuu, myös me muututaan," which translates to "As the world changes, we change too."
This once again speaks to the idea of resilience and adaptability, valuable qualities needed to navigate life’s inevitable challenges. To me, "Älä pelkää elämää" means facing life head-on and without fear. It means adapting and moving forward, no matter the challenges or unknowns ahead. It's something that ties in all of the above lyrics and songs well. From falling and getting back up, keeping moving even when you cannot see what's ahead, to not regretting the path you took nor the path you will forge ahead.
This idea of "Älä pelkää elämää" became particularly meaningful to me during the long illness of my father. The fear and worry of losing him were overwhelming, and when he passed, I realized the profound truth in not fearing life. His positivity, his genuine love of life, and his fearlessness taught me to live fully, to value each moment, and not to waste time in fear of death, the unknown, or anything. I strive to live without regrets, embracing every part of life's unpredictability. I do not fear life.